home safety for older adults to live independently!

Posts tagged ‘safe toileting’

Rail, Rail Around the Toilet

Toilet Safety Rail / Frame

Rail, Rail, Around the Toilet

WHY is it important to use Adjustable Toilet Safety Rails or Frames? * to aid older and physically-challenged adults in being safe, balanced and independent while getting on and off the toilet
* to give a piece of mind can be given to the older adult and his or her loved ones
Features and Benefits of Toilet Safety Rails or Frames
* two legs positioned on the floor on each side of the toilet and raise off floor for easy cleaning around toilet
* adjustable legs to accommodate various heights of users and toilet heights – legs adjust 10”
* adjustable arms to two different widths to accommodate a variety of sizes of people
*removable frame to remove and relocate to another toilet in another room or home
SMART Choice:
A Toilet Safety Rail / Frame that is adjustable in height & width, self-install and self-remove in minutes, lightweight, anodized aluminum frame. This rail/frame is ideal if permanently-installed safety grab bars on the walls are not an option, due to location of the toilet to the walls.
Durable Medical Supply stores or online websites
Ranging from $33-55, depending on source and manufacturer